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RR's Wealth & Poverty: Discussion #1 w/ AJ

Hi! An update: I started Robert Reich's & Poverty Course last week; I've taken this course previously during my senior year at the University of California, Berkeley in 2019. RR posted his Wealth & Poverty Class is available as a *free course on YouTube. I highly recommend engaging in this opportunity! Over the next few weeks, I will be refreshing my memory! :) Class 0: "Introduction" Class 1: "What's Happened to Wealth & Income?" Stay tuned with me for the next couple classes!
Feel free to comment any thoughts about the course so far. :) My favorite takeaways from this first week's lessons: "We can remedy poverty w/o reducing inequality or wealth." & "Targeting the rich is socially divisive." I love how RR plays devil's advocate throughout the course. Outlying opinions are always welcome in his class you'll often find he's intrigued by the answers that don't coincide with the majority. it's interesting to see, learn, and understand an opinion that isn't your own- and RR is GREAT at changing your mind- or at least mine! :) The biggest highlight that I've learned so far from just his introductory lectures has been remembering that RR often challenges my own opinion... and DARES me to change it! ;P

Robert Reich's Youtube Wealth & Poverty Course:

Your earth friend, Adrianna [AJ]
UC Berkeley Class of 2019
<3 :)


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